Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Premiere - Modern Family

Last week, me, and probably every other person signed up to receive "news and special offers" from ABC got an interesting email. It invited me to watch the premiere of the new comedy, Modern Family, online - several days before it's actual broadcast premiere.

I had never heard of the show. And considering I spend a lot of time reading entertainment news, that's pretty unusual. But I was intrigued at the opportunity of being able to watch something early, so I kept the email.

A day later, and suddenly I had heard of it. People and several other sites gave the premiere rave reviews, gushing over how funny it was. Brian also told me he had heard it was supposed to be good. So I took the password of mystery ABC emailed me, and I watched the show, expecting great things.

And great things were delivered. Holy crap, this show is FUNNY. I don't really tend to laugh out loud when I'm watching something alone - I don't know, a weird quirk of mine or something, but there was one part where I was practically in hysterics. The show is a mockumentary (kind of like The Office where the people do interviews to the camera) that follows three different families: an older guy and his new, younger, wife and her 11 year old son; a 10+ married couple with 3 kids and a gay couple that just adopted a baby. It's a simple concept with tons of possibilities.

So, even though this show conflicts with Glee, (it airs at 9 EST tonight on ABC) I definitely plan on setting my TiVo and following these families. Very funny stuff.

...I can't believe how many new shows I'm watching already this season. I'm lucky if I pick up one new show, and usually it's one that's been on for a few seasons already and has already defined itself. Maybe they're finally getting some people who can actually write again.

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