Monday, September 21, 2009

The Emmy's! ...Meh.

So, Neil Patrick Harris hosted the Emmy's last night, and it was pretty meh. Not really his fault. The writing just wasn't that funny and some of the people who won... Well, we'll get to that in a minute. Anyway, the opening song just wasn't that clever - not as good as the one written for the Oscars. (Which took home an Emmy last night, actually. I didn't think it was better than "Motherlover", but the guy who accepted the award was a hoot.)

Anyway, here's the full winner's list.

No complaints about the Drama awards - the only drama I actually watch is Lost. Michael Emerson won and I was happy. He is awesome on that show. But...

It's always bothered me that the same person can win for the same part year after year after year for as long as the show it on TV. It gets kind of boring. For instance, there were several repeat winners this year, including Bryan Cranston and Alec Baldwin (who I love on 30 Rock, but I'll get to that.) Sometimes I wonder if the same person should be able to win unlimited times for the same role. On one hand, it gets kind of boring at after awhile to watch. On the other hand, with TV the actors have new challenges to deal with each season. So should someone be able to only win twice for the same part on the same show and then be retired? How many times can you be told you're great playing the same part? I don't know. I'm pretty torn on the issue.

Comedy categories... Okay, I watch a lot of comedies. 30 Rock is a great show. Totally deserved to win. And I watch many of the shows that were nominated this year. The ratings for 30 Rock aren't that great and it's really a shame, because it's one of the smartest, funniest shows on TV. If you're not watching it, you're depriving yourself. Alec Baldwin is hilarious on it - I just love him. And Tina Fey...well, I greatly admire her. She's just so talented.

Having said the word talented... JON CRYER?! REALLY?! REALLY?!

Can I tell you how much I HATE Two and a Half Men? It consistently has the best ratings of any comedy, and that just makes me sad. I'm sorry, but I just think the show is juvenile, with one dimensional characters and easily predictable jokes. A monkey could write it. Oh no. That's mean. I'm sure the monkey could write something better.  

I can't believe he won over the likes of Neil Patrick Harris and Rainn Wilson - hell, anyone in that category deserved it WAY more than him. Anyone could play that stupid part. Ugh, everything about that show just grates me in the worst way. There's always something in every award show that pisses me off and this is the winner for this year.

Plus, what was with the sweater vest? He looked like a bee! (Speaking of fashions, here's EW's Best and Worst list. And AOL's. My favorites: Drew Barrymore, Sandra Oh, Alyson Hannigan, Jenna Fischer, and Vanessa Williams And least faves: Sarah Silverman, Kristen Wiig, Hayden Panettiere, Kyra Sedgwick, Patricia Arquette - ugh! Jane Krakowski, and Christina Applegate)

And Toni Collete? Really? That show is horrible. She's okay in it, but...come on, people.

Here's a list of the Best and Worst moments from the broadcast. Some thoughts:

  • Loved the colorful commentary provided for the winners by the guy who plays PC in the Mac commercials. (Especially since Mac, Justin Long, was there as Drew Barrymore's date.)
  • Kristen Chenoweth! Love her. Wish I watched her show. I heard it was good. Better late than never - I hope it's on DVD.
  • I have to admit that Neil's reaction to his loss was funny.
  • I don't often think Jimmy Fallon was funny, but his musical bit was hilarious. 
  • And thank you for showing Bea Arthur as Maude and Dorothy. She'll always be one of my favorite comedienne's of all time. RIP Bea.

Oh, but the best part of the night?

This should have won an Emmy.

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