Monday, February 8, 2010

The Super (Ad /Puppy) Bowl

Watch the Super Bowl? I did. I'm so not into football, but I always end up watching it anyway. There's something about the Super's like an unofficial holiday. Last year I had tickets to something and didn't watch, and I felt strangely empty. Anyway, I actually enjoyed the game (Congrats to the Saints) and the half time show - but what's always talked about almost as much as the game itself?

The commercials, of course.

I, like many people, usually hate commercials. Most of them are just so stupid. There are very few commercials in my entire life that I actually enjoyed watching. The Super Bowl is like the most expensive ad time a company can buy all year, and for good reason, and most of them feel they better bring it. And they damn well better. Because people are waiting for those entertaining ads.

Well, this year I felt the game was better than the ads. But I did enjoy a few: Beaver - this was adorable!!

Betty White for Snickers... I think everybody enjoyed this one. Betty White is awesome.

Griswolds!! I laughed my ass off at that one, I must admit. This is the full length "movie" the commercial had clips from. It's pretty entertaining.

Bud Light House - My favorite of the beer commercials. - Casual Friday. Ew. But hilarious.

There were a couple of other good ones - you can visit Hulu to rewatch any you liked.

Of course, there were a couple I did like, like the ads (Totally lame), I've never been a fan of the eTrade babies, the only Doritos one I liked was the one with the Samurai, the TruTV one with the football player Groundhog was horrible, as was the one with Kiss (for Dr. Pepper, I think.)

But the cutest thing on TV yesterday? The puppy bowl, of course. How can you NOT love puppies, a kitten halftime show, bunny cheerleaders that sleep the whole time and hamsters in a blimp! If you missed it, you can check out highlights over at Animal Planet's website. Watch out for that unnecessary rough-rough-roughness and excessive napping.

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