Sunday, February 14, 2010

Every 4 Years

I'm obsessed with the Olympics. Winter or summer, it doesn't matter, I'm there. I tend to prefer the summer Olympics only because there are more events (and I'm a huge fan of gymnastics), but I love the winter games as well.

I've been following the Olympics since I was a kid in the early 90's, but I would say I've been following it closely (aka obsessively) since the mid 90's - 1996, if you want to start getting specific. I don't watch the opening or closing ceremonies - I find them boring. Just give me the events!

So. This year. What am I most looking forward to? Why Apolo Ohno, of course! I just love him, and I've been a fan of his since the Salt Lake City games in 2002. Already he tied Bonnie Blair for the most decorated U.S. speed skater ever - one more and he'll surpass her. And, with 3 events to go, I would say his odds are good. I like speed skating in general - it's one of my favorite events.

Usually I'm a big fan of the figure skating usually, but since I don't except the American's to contend in the pairs or the woman's skating (I hope I'm wrong...) I'm not really too excited about it this year.

Yeah - I'll admit. I tend to get more interested in the sports Team USA is likely to medal in. I'm a big time couch cheerleader. You should have seen me cheering on the Nordic Combined this afternoon. (That was exciting!!) If an American isn't contending I still enjoy it, but not nearly as much.

Mostly this year I'm looking forward to the skiing and snowboarding events. I REALLY enjoyed the woman's moguls last night - amazing performances. I hope the American men do as well!

So - go Apolo! And go Team USA!

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