Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On Broadway

In between trip report, I'm going to start a series on something very dear to my heart - Broadway musicals. As I've said before, I was obsessed with Annie as a kid. I also really enjoyed Peter Pan, starring Mary Martin, which you cannot find on video anymore, which is a real shame. Mary Poppins was another favorite.

Living close to New York City, I've been very fortunate that I've been able to see quite a few Broadway shows in my life. Several more than once. The first show I ever saw was The Secret Garden. It was fourth grade, and we had just read the book in school. (Still love that book!) We went on a class trip, and I remember we sat in the mezzanine. And the song about the garden being a maze still pops into my head. I bought the cassette tape (this was the early 90's) and I used to play it a lot as a kid. I used to love the music, but I'm not quite as enamored with it anymore.

The second show I saw was Guys and Dolls. Nathan Lane was in it at the time. I believe we went for my dad's birthday, and I remember enjoying it, but I don't really remember specifics. Guys and Dolls is a great, classic show with several well known songs like "Luck Be a Lady" and "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat'. Why do I not own the soundtrack?! I haven't seen the whole movie, but I would like to sit down and enjoy the whole thing sometime soon. Frank Sinatra plays Nathan Detroit.

The third show I saw was Show Boat. And Oh. My. God. I was enamored. (I want the soundtrack so badly, but unfortunately it's now out of print.) The sets, the music, the story - Show Boat was the first musical that had song kind of story. And a dark story at that. It deals with interracial marriage. Pretty heavy stuff for 1927. I was in 8th grade and it was a class trip. This was the year I really started to get into musical theater, mostly because I was in my first show, but that's a story for another time. I would love to see a production of Show Boat again. It's a classic show - the kind that changed what people thought of when they thought of Broadway. Probably the most famous song from the show is the iconic "Old Man River". Great, powerful, song.

So what other shows have I seen? Well, this is a list of all the shows I've seen on Broadway. I've seen other shows in touring productions, community theater and dinner theater. (And since we're so close to Broadway itself, our dinner theater is pretty damn amazing and features Broadway talent.) But these are the shows I've actually see on "The Great White Way". I've seen shows with a * more than once.

And these are in noooo particular order. That would take forever:

Beauty & the Beast
Les Miserables
Phantom of the Opera
Miss Saigon
Jekyll and Hyde *
Rent *
The Scarlet Pimpernel *
Kiss Me, Kate
Spring Awakening
The Producers
Civil War
The Full Monty
Little Shop of Horrors
Movin' Out
Spamalot *
The Music Man

I may have forgotten one or two. I haven't seen a Broadway Show in over a year, so I'm a having a bit of withdrawal!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Dude! I have the Guys & Dolls soundtrack with Nathan Lane, I could totally burn you a copy if you want. I also have the movie with Frank Sinatra. One of these days, I'll have to come over to your place so we can have a movie musical marathon. P.S. if you want to go see a Broadway show, I'm seriously thinking about taking a trip to see one for my birthday next month...I'm thinking either Hair or West Side Story, but I'm open to seeing just about anything. Let me know what you think!