Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This Is How It Is

You know how many times I yearned to write in here? And did I? No. It's sad that sometimes the prospect of just jotting down thoughts is exhausting. There's really no excuse for it. I need to get my act together and talk about SOMETHING - anything - every day, even if it's only for 5 minutes. How successful will I be? Well, I wouldn't put money on it.

Today was just one of those days where everything just annoyed the shit out of me. I hate days like that. Though I must admit the last several work days have been more bearable than usual because I have many new podcasts to listen to. I love podcasts. They save my life. Right now I'm addicted to "Stuff You Missed in History Class". I'm a history nerd, so I downloaded all the back episodes and I'm loving it. I've learned a lot. So I like to think I'm learning while I'm working. Doing two things at once.

I've also been busy rereading the Harry Potter series. I started with the last book, actually - it was the only book I'd only read once. And when I read it that one time it was right after it came out, and I totally rushed through it, just dying to know what happened. I thought it was okay, but I felt kind of hollow when it was over - and not just because the beloved series was over. For me, I just felt like stuff was MISSING. On reading it again I realized just how much of the plot I actually didn't remember. (Though I clearly remembered every last person who died.) And although I found I did enjoy it more, that same hollow feeling remained. I guess I just didn't find the ending fulfilling. I felt like stuff was missing. That doesn't make it bad...it just makes it...hollow.

So then I went back and read "The Sorcerer's Stone", which I hadn't read in years and years. There's so much in that book that you have to really suspend belief a bit to really absorb properly. There were so many moments when I couldn't help thinking "You're first year students!" or "You're eleven!" That really didn't detract from enjoying the book - stuff like that doesn't really get to me too much, even though I do recognize it. Sometimes you have to just step back from logic and enjoy something for what it is. Most of the time, it's not a big deal.

I'm on Chamber of Secrets now, which is one of my favorites. Gotta love Lockhart.

But I did think about something as I was rereading Sorcerer's Stone...if you were a Muggle parent, and got a letter from some school you never heard of, telling you your kid was a wizard/witch and had magic powers, wouldn't you freak out a bit? Would you automatically want to send your child to this school, into this world you know nothing about? I think it would take a lot of convincing in most cases. I'm sure there would be parents who would refuse to send their kids at all.

But, like I said before, it's not a big deal really. Just one of the things you have to let go.

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