Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Stale

Ugh. I don't know about everybody else, but I'm more than ready for the new fall shows to start. Now. I mean I'm still watching More to Love here. And nobody should have to admit to that.

Luckily, the network are starting to announce when our old favorites will grace us with new episodes.

I'm looking forward to:

Glee - 9 pm on FOX

The Office - 9 pm on NBC

How I Met Your Mother - 8 pm on CBS

The Simpsons - 8 pm on FOX
Family Guy - 9 pm on FOX

30 Rock - 9:30 pm on NBC

Don't hold your breath for the final season of Lost, anybody, or you'll be holding it till January.

But yeah, these are mostly old favorites. There are a couple of shows in there I might give my time to, and a few others that make me wonder what the hell they were thinking taking a crappy secondary character and giving him his own show. But going into any new TV season you know that most of these new shows will be canceled - several before Christmas, a few even after only a few episodes. That's the industry for you. If you're not gonna pull in the ad revenue, you're axed. No time to build a fan base. Instant hit, or you're history.

Even if a show has a small fan base, it means nothing.

I can tell you I'm sick of reality shows though. Ugh. They're all the same variations on the same crap. But as long as people keep tuning in, they'll keep churning them out. Remember when TV shows were clever? And had a story? Some creativity? Yeah, me too. But I think those days are sadly cold in their grave.

And what the fuck is this, FOX? Yes, please! Give this women attention she SO does not deserve. Keep those 15 minutes going! It's disgusting, really. But you can't expect less from FOX, the network that bought you this classic in classy TV.

Oh well. At least I have Psych to enjoy for now.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Reality TV killed the sitcom star. I also hate most of the crap that's on TV now.