Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back In the Day ~ Annie

I was obsessed with several movies a kid, but I have to admit this was probably the most influential:
My mom loves to recount the story of how I got up on a chair at a diner and started singing "Tomorrow". I believe I was 2. Luckily, I remember none of this. I have no idea what would have possessed me to get up in front of a crowded restaurant and start belting out show tunes. Sounds like a scene from some musical all by itself, doesn't it?

But yeah. Annie. My mom had taped it off TV and I watched it over and over again. As I grew up and heard people bash this movie I was horrified. How could anyone hate my beloved movie?

I don't understand it to this day. Maybe it's the memories clinging to me, but I still love this movie. What's to dislike about it? First of all, the movie has Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters, Albert Finney and Ann Reinking. Carol Burnett and Tim Curry alone are both amazing. (I have admit I always thought he was very good looking as Rooster - haha!) Add in Bernadette Peters and "Easy Street" is one of the best movie musical numbers ever - in my opinion anyway. Ha! How could you not love sliding down the banister while Rooster and Lily consistently leave Miss Hannigan to fall all over herself. And what about Rooster's sudden gymnastics? It's so much more than just dancing. If it entertains a 2 year old, you know it's gotta be pretty damn good.

Let's go back to Carol Burnett for a minute. I just love her. She is a legend for good reason. She plays Miss Hannigan with such a perfect mix of drunk and crazy without making her look evil. Then there's her duet with Albert Finney as Daddy Warbucks - "Sign". Another fantastic number. I'm embarrassed to admit my sister and I used to perform this for relatives when we were kids. (Guess who was Daddy Warbacks... Yeah...) Anyway, the song, which involves Miss Hannigan trying to seduce Warbucks until he points out all the dirt he has on her, has classic lyrics. Here are some of my favorites:

Hannigan: You ever been to "Bonas Ires"?
Warbucks: Where?

Hannigan: Buy me a ruby.
Warbucks: No!
Hannigan: Why shouldn't you be mine!?

Warbucks: You spend your ev'nings in the shanties
Hannigan: You had me followed?
Warbucks: Imbibing quarts of bathtub gin!
Hannigan: Bronchitis!
Warbucks: And here you're dancing in your scanties!
Hannigan: Great gams!
Warbucks: With some old geezer called Little Caesar.
Hannigan: He's an uncle!
Warbucks: You lock The orphans in the closet!
Hannigan: They love it!
Warbucks: You hock their Christmas souvenirs!
Hannigan: A drink?
Warbucks: You steal the funds you should deposit.
Hannigan: It's fresh.
Warbucks: You make them grovel, while you buy lavaliers.
What the hell are lavaliers? Per the dictionary: an ornament hanging from a chain, worn around the neck.

Anyway, while we're discussing classic numbers you can't forgot "Sandy" (how cute was that dog?) "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile", "It's a Hard Knock Life", and, of course, "Tomorrow", the pinnacle of classic.

I'll tell you what song and scene is my least favorite - "Let's Go to the Movies", which I always found way too long. And the movie they show, (Camille, from 1936) always tends to make me drowsy, so I don't blame Annie for falling asleep during it. Runner up: "We Got Annie". Too much dancing, and you can't say much for the lyrics to that one. ("We got Annie" x 1000. Okay. We get it.)

I love the whole ending scene where Annie gets away and Rooster chases after her (slapping his own sister in the face in the process.) and they climb up the bridge. In pure dramatic fashion, she's rescued by helicopter.

I guess for a little girl this movie had a lot to offer: orphans, a spunky girl, a dog, a mansion, singing, jewelry (I loved that broken locket), drama, and the ending - with the animals and fireworks - who could ask for anything more?

Annie will always have a special place in my heart for sure.


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I drove my family NUTS by watching musicals over and over again as a kid. Annie was definitely one of my favorites. Singing, dancing, adventure and a spunky little girl with a cute dog...what more could you want???