Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Harry Potter Continues

Okay, so as I previously mentioned I'm working my way back through the Harry Potter series. I just finished Chamber of Secrets, and I also rewatched the movie.

Dear god, does that movie have the cheesiest ending you've ever fucking seen, or is it just me? I guess not, because this book agrees with me. Otherwise it's a pretty good version of the book. Kenneth Branagh is awesome as Lockhart, a character I must admit I love. Also, Jason Issacs is great as Mr. Malfoy. I must admit I'm a fan of the whole fucked up Malfoy family - especially Draco.

When I first read Chamber of Secrets I thought it was amazing. I've read it a few more times since then and after reading it this past time I've come to the final conclusion that while I like the book a lot, I don't like it nearly as much as I did the first time through. I guess we can only blame the progression of the series for that. The later books are more complex and the story only grows richer. But the book has Lockhart and creepy Mr. Malfoy, which I always enjoy. I don't enjoy Aragog. And I don't care for that scene in the movie either. But I hate spiders. And Dobby is pretty annoying in this book, even if he kind of grew on me in later books.

But I can remember getting to the end of this book for the first time - where it's revealed that Lord Voldemort IS Tom Marvolo Riddle. I was shocked. One of the many things in the series I never saw coming. That sort of surprise always adds something intangible to your first experience - something you can never have again, because when you read it again you know what's coming. I think that definitely contributes to the little bit of wonder that had slipped away after this rereading.

Onto book 3 - one of my favorites.

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