Monday, August 31, 2009

Video Games I've Beaten - Part One

So in my blog about Super Mario Galaxy I mentioned I was going to embark on a quest to make a list of every game I've ever beaten.

Quest complete.

This is only part one of the list - although I haven't beaten an overwhelming number of games in the twenty or so I've been playing, I didn't wanna go and list them all at once. So today we're cover the earliest systems: NES, Genesis and SNES.

Here were the rules of list:
  • Finishing the main story of the game and seeing the ending counts as beating it. I didn't have to do all the extras/side quests/whatever.
  • ROM games are okay as long as no cheats were used.
  • It didn't have to be a game I played alone.

Here are some things to remember when you're reading this list:
  • I did not own a lot of games as a kid at all. 
  • I relied very heavily on looking at the games I own in compiling this list. Over the years I've traded in some games and forgotten about others. I know some games got left out.
  • I play a lot of games you can't beat i.e Animal Crossing, Mario Tennis, etc.
  • I didn't count games I replayed when they were re-released on another system.

Okay, enough of that. Here's the damn list.


Super Mario Bros. 
Yeah, the original, of course. I can remember my struggle to get past "Cheep Cheep Land", which was what I called world 2-3. But finally I made my way all the way to Bowser's last stand...and I ran on him/used the elevator. (I don't remember. This was a long time ago.) And I rescued the Princess once and for all. And I was stunned at what I had accomplished. I was expecting some kind of major payoff for this - not being told I could replay the game with fuzzy beetles in place of Goombas. Oh well.

Super Mario Bros. 3
Still one of my favorite games of all time. I owned one of the earliest issues of Nintendo Power that was basically nothing more than a full walk through of this game. In the days before the internet, that was a big deal. Remember the hands in the last world? Did they scare the crap out of you, too? Where were they coming from?!
This game deserves a blog all it's own. The story was anything but deep, but for a little kid some of the game play was pretty difficult. One of the last levels involved jumping on a bunch of narrow music notes that were hovering over a moving platform that took you all the way back to the beginning if you fell. Oh, and did I mention that Barbie jumped like a stiff piece of plastic, too.
The Little Mermaid
I was a little girl, and little girls had girly games. I was obsessed with The Little Mermaid, so of course I owned the game. Goes to show you how early they started making movies into video games.
Maniac Mansion
I didn't beat this until I was much older, and I'm glad of it. How scary was this game? That creepy blue guy finding you and locking you in the basement. And don't even get me started on how hard it is. If you don't have the right combination of kids, forget it.


Crystal's Pony Tale
This was a ROM. Shut up.


Super Mario World
I still love this game. I could replay it over and over. I actually finished everything you could do in this game - star levels and all.

Super Mario Bros. - The Lost Levels
Maybe you noticed, but Super Mario 2 was missing from my list. I never defeated Wart. But I did beat the REAL SMB2.

Kirby Super Star
Still my favorite Kirby game ever. I beat all the games that were included under the Super Star heading - my favorite being the one where you found all the treasures.

Donkey Kong Country
One of those games that definitely changed how I looked at games.

Donkey Kong Country 2
Probably tied for my favorite SNES game.

Donkey Kong Country 3
Tied with this. What a great game. Remember when RARE made good games? Me too...

Yoshi's Island
As much as I like this game, it was often frustrating as hell.

Super Mario Kart
Oh, the hours I spent playing this game. I guess you could argue that you can't really "beat" this game, but I disagree. If you beat the Star cup grand prix on 150cc - you've beaten it.

Next - N64, PSX and GBA.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back In the Day ~ Annie

I was obsessed with several movies a kid, but I have to admit this was probably the most influential:
My mom loves to recount the story of how I got up on a chair at a diner and started singing "Tomorrow". I believe I was 2. Luckily, I remember none of this. I have no idea what would have possessed me to get up in front of a crowded restaurant and start belting out show tunes. Sounds like a scene from some musical all by itself, doesn't it?

But yeah. Annie. My mom had taped it off TV and I watched it over and over again. As I grew up and heard people bash this movie I was horrified. How could anyone hate my beloved movie?

I don't understand it to this day. Maybe it's the memories clinging to me, but I still love this movie. What's to dislike about it? First of all, the movie has Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters, Albert Finney and Ann Reinking. Carol Burnett and Tim Curry alone are both amazing. (I have admit I always thought he was very good looking as Rooster - haha!) Add in Bernadette Peters and "Easy Street" is one of the best movie musical numbers ever - in my opinion anyway. Ha! How could you not love sliding down the banister while Rooster and Lily consistently leave Miss Hannigan to fall all over herself. And what about Rooster's sudden gymnastics? It's so much more than just dancing. If it entertains a 2 year old, you know it's gotta be pretty damn good.

Let's go back to Carol Burnett for a minute. I just love her. She is a legend for good reason. She plays Miss Hannigan with such a perfect mix of drunk and crazy without making her look evil. Then there's her duet with Albert Finney as Daddy Warbucks - "Sign". Another fantastic number. I'm embarrassed to admit my sister and I used to perform this for relatives when we were kids. (Guess who was Daddy Warbacks... Yeah...) Anyway, the song, which involves Miss Hannigan trying to seduce Warbucks until he points out all the dirt he has on her, has classic lyrics. Here are some of my favorites:

Hannigan: You ever been to "Bonas Ires"?
Warbucks: Where?

Hannigan: Buy me a ruby.
Warbucks: No!
Hannigan: Why shouldn't you be mine!?

Warbucks: You spend your ev'nings in the shanties
Hannigan: You had me followed?
Warbucks: Imbibing quarts of bathtub gin!
Hannigan: Bronchitis!
Warbucks: And here you're dancing in your scanties!
Hannigan: Great gams!
Warbucks: With some old geezer called Little Caesar.
Hannigan: He's an uncle!
Warbucks: You lock The orphans in the closet!
Hannigan: They love it!
Warbucks: You hock their Christmas souvenirs!
Hannigan: A drink?
Warbucks: You steal the funds you should deposit.
Hannigan: It's fresh.
Warbucks: You make them grovel, while you buy lavaliers.
What the hell are lavaliers? Per the dictionary: an ornament hanging from a chain, worn around the neck.

Anyway, while we're discussing classic numbers you can't forgot "Sandy" (how cute was that dog?) "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile", "It's a Hard Knock Life", and, of course, "Tomorrow", the pinnacle of classic.

I'll tell you what song and scene is my least favorite - "Let's Go to the Movies", which I always found way too long. And the movie they show, (Camille, from 1936) always tends to make me drowsy, so I don't blame Annie for falling asleep during it. Runner up: "We Got Annie". Too much dancing, and you can't say much for the lyrics to that one. ("We got Annie" x 1000. Okay. We get it.)

I love the whole ending scene where Annie gets away and Rooster chases after her (slapping his own sister in the face in the process.) and they climb up the bridge. In pure dramatic fashion, she's rescued by helicopter.

I guess for a little girl this movie had a lot to offer: orphans, a spunky girl, a dog, a mansion, singing, jewelry (I loved that broken locket), drama, and the ending - with the animals and fireworks - who could ask for anything more?

Annie will always have a special place in my heart for sure.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, 8/28/09 - News and Junk

Kind of a boring week for entertainment news if you ask me.


>> Whoo hoo! Preview of the season premiere of The Office. Looks promising, but at the same time I am also nervous that this could easily be turned into something ridiculous. I'm just hoping season 6 is better than season 5.

>> Looks like Kristin Chenoweth will appear as a guest host on American Idol. She's one of the many celebs who'll be filling Paula's vacant seat during the initial auditions. Another celeb pegged to fill Paula's void? How I Met Your Mother's own Neil Patrick Harris. Guess I will be watching this season. At least the audition rounds.


>> Seems somebody didn't want to be interned above Marilyn Monroe after all, and the crypt is back on the market. That lady must really need cash if she's going through all the trouble of moving her husband's corpse.

>> The big movie that's getting attention all over the web this week is Inception, starring one of my favorites - Leonardo DiCaprio. Check out the trailer and see what you think. It's not coming out till July 2010.
  • Looks weird, right? I thought so. Here's a bit of the plot for you. Sounds kind of interesting, but not something I'd rush out into theaters to see. Sorry, Leo.
  • Oh, and apparently Leo is fat. He looks fine to me. But I guess I'm just glad it's an actor instead of an actress for once.

>> In theaters today:
So, in the battle of the "They're still making those?" horror movies, which will come up on top? Personally, I hate horror movies. But that's another blog.


>> Big news is the Xbox price drop. But more importantly, they claim the whole red ring of death debacle is behind them. I guess only time will tell on that one, but I'm not holding my breath. Of everyone I know who has an Xbox 360 - I know only one person who hasn't seen that famous ring yet.

>> And finally, Beatles fans, the Beatles Rock Band is coming September 9th. And if you don't already own another Rock Band game, you can pick up the bundle from Amazon or Best Buy for $140 bucks. Not a bad deal.

That'll do it for this week.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tune In To...Podcasts

So you know what form of media saves my brain on a daily basis? Podcasts. And if you have an iPod or an mp3 player or hell - even a computer - and you listen to any podcasts, then you're really doing yourself a disservice.

Podcasts are basically Internet radio shows. You can find a ton of them on iTunes. And what's great about them is that you can find a podcast on practically any topic - from travel to sports to arts and entertainment and more. What's even better is you can find many podcasts that focus on very specific topics you enjoy - like a certain tv show or car or travel destination or book series. There are also plenty of podcasts that can teach you a thing or two - like history, current events, or even how to speak a language.

But the best thing about podcasts? They're free. Yup. That's right. Free entertainment.

So for these reasons, and many more, I am a big podcast fan. I leave you today with a list of podcasts I currently subscribe to, and I'd like to hear about any you may enjoy - I'm always looking for new ones to download. And if you've never listened to a podcast, I highly suggest you head over to iTunes and give one a try.

The DIS Unplugged - A Disney podcast, and my favorite podcast period.
WDW Radio - Another Disney podcast, great interviews here.
All About the Mouse - Yet another Disney podcast.
Mugglecast - A great Harry Potter podcast.
That's What She Said - A great podcast about the NBC comedy "The Office".
Stuff You Missed In History Class - Great history podcast.
Stuff You Should Know - Always entertaining and informative.
Stuff Mom Never Told You - Another very informative podcast.
NPR's Wait, Wait, Wait Dont Tell Me - Very funny game show involving the news.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Somebody Finally Said It...

Today being Wednesday, I'm supposed to have a feature. However, I'm working on another project and I'm a little short on time. So instead, I give you this.

Glad somebody said it.

This is from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, of course, which came out yesterday. Love what I've played so far - my review coming soon. You can read GameSpot's here.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

7 Best and 7 Worst Minigames/Side Quests in Final Fantasy ~ Part Two

Yesterday I posted the 7 best minigames/side quests. Today, the worst.
Top 7 Worst Minigames/Side Quests In Final Fantasy VII - XII

7. "If Only There Was An" - Chocobo Breeding, VII

Fasten your seat belts, kids. This one's gonna be a story.

Once upon a time there was a man named Cloud. And this man was known for two things. His spikey hair and his strong desire to kill Sephiroth. In order to kill this Sephiroth and save the planet (because he needed to stop Sephiroth who was blocking Holy from saving the planet, therefore he would be indirectly saving the planet, okay?!) Cloud wanted to get the most kickass summon in the land. And by consulting something called a strategy guide, he learned that this legendary summon could only be obtained by traveling to a remote island. An island that could only be reaching on the back of a flying bird.

This bird:

A gold chocobo. *angels sing*

And thus, Cloud was forced to embark on a quest to obtain this special bird and therefore possess the awesome summon that would help him beat Sephiroth once and for all.

(Of course, he could also choose to beat both Ruby and Emerald Weapons and take their spoils to this crazy old man in exchange for a gold chocobo he just happens to have hanging around, but fuck that. This crazy breeding bullshit is easier, believe it or not.)

Now Cloud didn't know the first thing about breeding anything. In fact he had spent most of the last few months of his life oblivious, while two busty women fought over him. But he was determined to find out how he could make one of these legendary chocobos.

And so the pain begins.

You will not enjoy this side quest unless you are this man.

So Cloud goes to the chocobo farm. Where he has to learn all about breeding chocobos.

First you have to go out and find the chocobo and capture it in battle. You'll need special greens for this and have to walk back and forth, sometimes in the snowy, snowy mountains, over chocobo tracks until you find one. When you do, send it back to the ranch so the chocobo experts can tell you whether it's a decent one or not.

"Yeah...that's a pigeon."

I'm not going to go into all the steps or this entry would put everyone to sleep, myself included. What you need to know is this: breeding chocobos is a long, boring, painful process. Because even once you find the decent chocobos, you have to max out their stats. This involves feeding them expensive greens. Many, many expensive greens. There goes your dream of the beach house in Costa del Sol.

So once your chocobo is stuffed full of greens, then what? You cook him? Chocobos roasting on the Cosmo flame? No. Then you gotta race him. Because apparently racing chocobos make good breeders, or something. Oh, and he's gotta be an S class racer. So he's gotta race a lot. And the racing can be annoying, because there's this stupid black chocobo that likes to pop up and beat the crap out of you. And have I mentioned how repetitive the racing is? Because it's repetitive. Really repetitive. It's just so damn repetitive.

The birds that don't place are dinner.

Okay, so you've caught. You've fed. You've raced. You're tired. Cloud's spikey head ain't lookin' so spikey anymore. Red XIII ate part of Cait Sith out of boredom. Now what? Baby chocobos magically appear?

Oh, no, Cloud! That's not where babies come from! You see, when a mama chocobo and a daddy chocobo love each other very much, they eat a special nut together. And the next day, a baby that looks like a full born chocobo is born. Yay for growth hormone laced greens!

Seriously, though, you feed them a damn nut. And then you hope to god you get what you want. And if you don't...out in the wild with you!

If that doesn't sound annoying enough, the people at the chocobo ranch don't know the whole scoop on raising a gold chocobo. They suggest you fly up to the dangerous snowy mountains and find this legendary chocobo expert, Choco Sage, or some shit. Never wanting to hear the word legendary again, you board your airship and seek this genius out.

Only he's not a genius. He's a senile old man.

"...whether I put on my Depends this morning..."

Yeah, Choco Sage only remembers stuff in unreliable doses. So Cloud's better off referring to ye olde strategy guide.

But I want you to notice something. See that green chocobo there? If Cloud would just take that fucking chocobo, it would save him a lot of grief. You think uncle forgetful there's gonna know? Or notice? Or even care? He barely knows his own name! You could whack him over the head with his own cane and have that bird on the airship before you can say nursing home. Who's he gonna call for help? He lives in a cabin in the middle of nowhere! And I don't even see a phone! If he died the chocobo would probably eat him for sustenance! So you'd be doing him a favor!

Anyway, forget professor useless. You want a gold chocobo? You need a green chocobo and a light blue chocobo. They need to produce a black chocobo. And they'll need a special nut you can't buy in stores. So you need to go off into the wilderness and steal that. (Oh, and the green and blue? They'll be brother and sister, btw. Inbreeding schwinbreeding! You'll take the chance of a mutant.) Then you'll need a special nut in order to get the gold chocobo. So back out into the woods. And you better return with a "wonderful" chocobo too, because you'll need to get that guy up to specs before you can breed it with the black one. Up to this point that is 6 - yeah, 6 - chocobos you have to: breed, feed, race and finally mate. And then you'll finally have a gold one. Or a bunch of mutants. I don't know. By this point Cloud has stopped showering and Cid's smoking the special grass he found out back at the ranch. 

But you've done it. You have your bird. Now go! Go and get that summon and save the planet! Just like you always wanted!

You coulda had a beach house! P.S. I make a crappy pet. 

So, yeah. This side quest sucks. It is boring, long and repetitive. Did I mention it was repetitive? Because it is repetitive. You ask anyone who's played VII, and I'm sure most will complain about the chocobo breeding. It's a pretty universal hatred. That's why it deserved this long explanation.

But the scary thing it worth it?

Well...yes. That's why it lands at #7. Total crap. But total crap that you kind of have to do. ...Which makes it even worse. Stupid chocobos. They probably taste like chicken.

6.  "What Card Game?" - Tetra Master, IX

Yeah, believe it or not there's a card game in IX. And if they didn't make you play it, I bet you wouldn't even know.

The game that time forgot.

I guess coming off of VIII the game programmers were just feeling lazy. "Yeah, a card game worked last time. Let's just make another one." So they slapped this one together. And if a card tournament wasn't part of the storyline, you'd probably never play it. Instead it's, "Shit! I've got two minutes to master this game!"

And that's not easy. Because if you thought Triple Triad sounded confusing, this game's got it beat. There are numbers and arrows and the cards have defense and attack numbers, and they fight each other, and it's all a little too much Dungeons and Dragons-ish.

And what's your reward for playing cards this time? Well, aside from the story guided tournament...nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. This game truly is a waste of time. There is no point to it whatsoever. So unless you really can't stand to see Zidane's face for one more second...go play some chocobo hot and cold and do something productive.

Oh! And if you play too many games, the damn game glitches. It's true. I read it on Gamefaqs. So even the game doesn't want to play it.

So for being a totally useless waste of time and a poor specimen when compared to Triple Triad...#6.

5. "It's Not Easy Being Green" - Frog Catching, IX

Do you like Quina? I do actually, but most people don't. So why they bothered making a minigame centered around her... We'll never know.

 I'm just waiting for one of them to eat the other.

You can frog catch at any of the Qu Marshes scattered around the globe. Basically all you do is chase frogs around and grab them. And you get points and what not, and when you get enough points the only other Qu you ever see (pictured above - I'm convinced he ate all the others) comes out and gives you an item. 

Okay, writing that description practically put me to sleep. It's pretty boring watching Quina's lard ass chase around frogs that are way faster than her. And the items you get aren't worth the effort. Yeah, each frog you catch can also increase the damage her "frog drop" skill does, but since most people don't even use Quina, who the fuck cares? I could be out leveling up a character who actually does consistent damage instead of catching amphibians with one that uses a utensil as a weapon. (And only when it's not in his/her/its mouth.)

Oh, and if you catch too many frogs of one sex, you can fuck up the ecosystem and it'll take way longer for more frogs to come back. Way to be ecoconscious. One continent is covered in a monster breeding fog, and you're basically killing off frogs. Way to use your time effectively.

This minigame is so crappy it doesn't even have its own FAQ on Gamefaqs. And there's even one for racing Hippaul. Don't even know what the hell I'm talking about? Exactly. This one was lucky to land at #5.

4. "Chocoboy is Chococreepy" - Chocobo Forests, VIII

In most Final Fantasy games, you can't go long without tripping over a chocobo. But not in VIII. Here they are banished to a few forests scattered around the world. And if you want one, you're gonna have to solve a puzzle.


Each forest features a kid named "Chocoboy". Chocoboy is clearly some kind of orphan raised by chocobos. Otherwise why would he be in these remote locations hanging out with them? But it seems like Chocoboy wants out, 'cause for some money he'll sell you a whistle to help you catch a chocobo. From there you'll have to walk around the area, blowing said whistle, trying to get the baby chocobos to fall down from the trees so the mother will come out and kick your ass. You can then ride her. You know, because you don't have a rental car or an awesome spaceship at any point in this game. You rely on puzzle fueled bird transport. And Squall doesn't have a planet to save from an evil sorceress or anything. It's fine.

If the whole whistle blowing game sounds stupid...that's 'cause it is. And all for something you don't even need. Yeah, each of the forests has a semi-decent item you can find, but you can get way better stuff playing cards. So unless you're really bored, or you think every Final Fantasy character should ride a chocobo at some point in their fake and scripted life, I'd steer clear of Chocoboy. Especially since there's a good chance his father is this man:

You don't wanna know.

Pointless. Boring. Reeks of Chocobo. #4.

3. "This is What Hell Looks Like" - The Thunder Plains, X

I'll say right now that the top three are all from X. How can that be? How can one game have so many crappy minigames in it? I'll tell you why. Because it hates you. And it's not giving you ultimate weapons worth a shit without a fight.

If you want Lulu's ultimate weapon unlocked, you're gonna have to head to a little place known as the Thunder Plains. And it's known as the Thunder Plains for good reason.

At least the weatherman's job is easy.

As you would guess from the name, it's storming here. Constantly. The only way to travel safely is to run inbetween these lightning rods some poor soul spent his life constructing. I don't think they have saints in the X universe, but I still nominate that guy.

Believe it or not you can get prizes for dodging consecutive lightning bolts in the Thunder Plains. Every time the screen flashes you can press a button to quickly jump out of the way. Somebody's a fucking sadist. They're watching you from some strategically placed camera, eating a bowl of popcorn and having a good laugh every time you fry yourself. Once in awhile they dole out token prizes in exchange for the amusement. If you manage to dodge 200, you can get the Venus Sigil, which unlocks the weapon.

Can I tell you how much NOT fun it is dodging 200 bolts of deadly lightning? The screen flashes so often if you blink you risk the chance of ruining everything you've been working towards. So instead you're forced to sit there until you want to gauge your eyes out between the flashing and the no blinking. And then you still fuck up at like 198 dodges and have to start all over again. Meanwhile, sadist goes to make more popcorn.

Rikku's got the right idea. Get the fuck out of there. #3.

2. "Nobody Expects The Butterfly" - The Butterfly Game, X

Okay, you're pretty badly singed, and your hair will probably never grow back in some places, but you did it! You dodged 200 bolts and unlocked Lulu's weapon. Party time? I'm afraid not. Kimahri needs a weapon too. Don't be discriminating against the Ronso. They can fuck you up.

This is the only picture I could find that even remotely gives you an idea of the game. Apparently everyone was too traumatized to screen capture it.

In order to get the Saturn Sigil to unlock Kimahri's weapon, you must head to Macalania Woods and chase some butterflies around. Aw! Butterflies are pretty! And I brought my net just for the occasion! No. This will not be fun. They are not pretty. And you're gonna wanna bludgeon yourself with the damn net. This game is HARD. So hard, that most gamers don't even bother and make a custom weapon for Kimahri with their own sweat and tears.

So what exactly does this hellish insect game involve? Basically you have a very short amount of time in which to capture some butterflies that are scattered all over the place. And if you touch the wrong color butterfly, you lose even more time than what's already ticking away.

Who came up with this idea anyway? Butterflies? Really? Was everybody drinking really hard the night before? There's no excuse in the book that can cover for this travesty. It's lucky there's another minigame that's even more hellish. #2.

1. "The Devil Went Down to the Calm Lands" - The Chocobo Trainer, X

Fuck those butterflies! I'll make my own Kimahri weapon and he better damn well like it! All that's left is Tidus...shouldn't be too bad, right?

In an RPG, you always want to get the best weapon possible for the main character, right? After all, you've been through a lot together. He really wants to kick the bad guy's ass and you wanna help him do it. But the game knows this. And it's gonna make you pay.

You can find the chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands. She has 4 races you must complete in order to the get Sun Sigil for Tidus. The first 3 are a breeze. The last one... Oh, the last one is the devil's creation.

what the trainer say their name was? Lucifer?

What you gotta do is ride on the chocobo, and beat the trainer to the end. Oh! And you have to gather balloons (to lose time) avoid birds swooping at your head (they gain you time) and finish with a time less than 0:00.

Yeah. You have to finish with zero or negative time. Because that's a totally reasonable request.

I despise this game. In trying to get absolutely no time on the clock I was ready to find a way inside the game so I could murder the trainer myself. Dodging birds is a bitch when they're honed to you like your head is made of bird seed. And if you don't grab JUST the right amount of balloons, it's over for you. Might as well hurl your body off a cliff.

This is the worst minigame I have ever played in any game ever. I hate it so much that I've given up trying. The sad part's not impossible. I've seen it done. That's why the moral of the story is this - you find someone who can beat this game for you. And you marry them.

This frustrating minigame that drives me to murder stands alone at #1 on my lovely little list.

So that's the list. Now I wanna hear your favorite and least favorite minigames/side quests. ...And don't say you love the chocobo trainer just to play with me. I'll know you're lying.

Monday, August 24, 2009

7 Best and 7 Worst Minigames/Side Quests in Final Fantasy ~ Part One

What the title says.

Seriously, though. There is a lot to do in the modern Final Fantasy games. (I say modern, because VI and lower really didn't have to much to offer in terms of "extras", so this list is gonna focus on VII and up.) There are games to play, things to fetch, people to see. You can spend hours doing something that has almost nothing to do with the plot, and usually you can score some pretty neat items this way.

In compiling this list, what exactly did I decide a minigame/side quest was? And how can I even put those two things in the same category? They're not the same. Maybe not, but they're still similar. A minigame mostly takes place in one area. I would consider Triple Triad, Blitzball and the Gold Saucer Battle Arena as minigames. Side quests, however, usually take you all over the map looking for something/someone which then sends you somewhere else. I consider Chocobo Breeding in VII, Mark Hunting in XII and the Monster Arena side quests. But there's two things that all good minigames and side quests have in common: they take up chunks (sometimes hours upon hours) of your time, and you get rewarded. So that's why I've clumped them together.

Anyway, that's enough of an intro, don't you think? I do. We don't wanna get into Webster's definition of a minigame or a side quest. (Which I'm sure doesn't exist.) So, on with our list. Let's start with the good.

Top 7 Minigames/Side Quests In Final Fantasy VII - XII

7. "Here The Fighting Never Ends" - The Gold Saucer Battle Arena, VII

Not pictured: The grisly murder Sephiroth committed.

Gold Saucer is a minigame mecca. There's tons of crap you can waste your time with there. You can ride a motorcycle, snowboard, of even feed a mog if that suits your fancy. But none of these games are really worth your time. They're more for times when you feel like if you have to feed that damn green chocobo one more green you're gonna scream. The Battle Arena, however, actually has a purpose.

Basically in the battle arena you enter in a series of battles and play until you get knocked out. Each round some slots spin and you are handicapped in some way. These range from status effects to breaking your weapons and materia so they can no longer be used. For each successfully won battle you get BP, which you can trade in for prizes. If you fight a lot of successful battles and save a lot of BP you can get some exclusive awesome prizes such as w-summon materia, final attack materia (I'm comin', Ruby Weapon) and the much coveted Omnislash limit break. This makes fighting in the battle arena totally worth your time.

Unfortunately while fighting can sometimes be fun, the process of getting these awesome rewards is often long and frustrating. The computer can completely fuck you over by breaking all your materia on subsequent turns of its death wheel. And fighting in the battle arena against mostly the same series of monsters can get kind of boring after awhile. That's why the battle arena finds itself on the bottom of my list. 

Plus, what is with the tissues as a prize? What do they think Cloud does in his spare time? ...Or do I even wanna know...

6. "We Like 'Em Rare" - Phon Coast Hunt Club, XII

So there's this point in XII where you find yourself on this beautiful beach. And you run into these upstanding gents that want to ask you a little favor.

Whatever you do, don't follow them into the shack.

They're looking for rare monsters, see. Only they suck at it. Or they're lazy. I don't remember. Either way, they want you to go out and find the rare monsters, and bring the trophies back to them. They'll be more than happy to reward you. Only there's 3 of them, and only one trophy per monster, so you have to decide who you're gonna favor, and who better buck up and go find their own damn monsters.

There's just something about completing a list of something, isn't there? So a list of rare monsters to track down sounds exciting at first. Then all the sudden you're fleeing for your life while some out of control, undead, unholy terror is chasing you, casting spells you wish never existed. (True story.)

So yeah, it's fun for awhile to hunt down the rare monsters. Emphasis on for awhile. Because these monsters are rare for a reason. They don't like to come out and play. So after entering the same screen on the Tchita Uplands for the fiftieth time and seeing nothing, you're almost ready to smash the controller. That fact, along with the decent, but not game changing awards you receive, lands this one at #6.

5. "NBL" - Blitzball, X

And Tidus prepares to get poisoned by the Al Bhed Psyches. Again.

Spira sure loves their blitzball. But I guess when you only got one sport you don't really have much choice. And if you wanna unlock Wakka's ultimate weapon, you don't got much choice yourself. Get in the water and throw the ball around, ya?

Blitzball is a game that's basically like soccer, only it's played in water. How anyone can breathe is beyond me. Because nobody's wearing a suba tank of any kind. But basically what you wanna do is score goals. Whoever has the most goals when the time runs out wins. Really complicated, right? And there are techs and crap and as the characters play they gain experience and level up and such. Basically the only techs you give a crap about involve shooting goals. The Al Bhed team is obsessed with poisoning you.

Blitzball always starts out fun. It's fun to get your team together and put your best players on the field. It's not easy to win at first, but once you get the hang of things and your team starts to level up a bit, winning gets easier.

And not long after gets too easy.

If you recruit Rikku's brother for your team (his actual name is Brother. Apparently his parents didn't give a shit about him.) you will soon learn why major league teams will spend big bucks on one guy. I'm pretty sure he could win all by himself. Before long he's swimming so fast the other team has passed out from trying to keep up. It's almost a joke. Meanwhile, you yawn and shoot yet another goal. Just another blitzball game. Whoop dee freakin' do.

You have to play a LOT of games of blitzball, because the item you need to unlock Wakka's weapon only comes up after you win some tournaments. By that time you're so leveled up the opposing teams are a joke and blitzball games feel like twenty minutes of watching Brother show off. 

So fun at first, but boring in the end...blitzball places fifth.

4. "Vaan The Bounty Hunter" - Clan Centurio, XII

Who wouldn't wanna join a club led by this little guy?

He wants you to kill things.

If you want awesome rewards and fun challenges that'll last you all game long, you better sign yourself up.

You can join Clan Centurio at the beginning of the game, and basically what you're doing is bounty hunting. You're given a person to go talk to about a monster, and after talking with them you either accept the job or give them the shifty eyes, claiming you have other stuff to do while you slink away. After you defeat the monster, you return to that person for your reward. The more marks you kill, the higher your rank and the more hunts you unlock. You even get more rewards from the moggle (pictured above.) It's easy...and fun! Oh, and you're helping people. Or something. I guess.

Seriously, hunting marks is fun. It's a great side quest you can go back to all throughout the game if you wanna get away from the main story. And not only are the rewards great, but it's a nice way to level up too, while doing something different. Oh, and there's prime stuff to steal as well.

So this side quest is all over awesome. I really don't have a bad thing to say about it. ...Okay, so following gilgamesh deeper and deeper into the mines for hours wasn't exactly a picnic, but it was worth it to steal his shit.

3. "Beware The Random Rule" - Triple Triad, VIII

Oh, Triple Triad. How I used to curse you. Now I love you. You're like the nerdy kid in school who gets made fun of until the popular kid realizes they can cheat off you in biology. Or something like that.

Selphie wants to be under Seifer.

Triple Triad is a card game you can play pretty much all game long. You walk up to someone, press square, and if they're a card player, a game will start. Now I'm not going to go into the whole explanation of how to play, but there are various rules that change how the game is played. These vary from region to region. Most of them are horrible. Especially the random rule. The random rule is just what is sounds like - you don't get to choose your own cards. Instead, they're randomly chosen from your hand. So while you may have many awesome character cards to choose from, the computer will undoubtedly select all your bite bug and jelleye cards. Not so fun.

The good thing is you can spread the one rule that's good, (open - seeing your opponent's hand is always a good thing...unless it's on your leg) and banish the rules you hate. (Like random, same-wall, random, elemental, random, same, random, plus, random, that other rule that's horrible, and random. Did I mention random?) This takes some work and understanding of how the rules are spread. But it's worth it. Because easier card playing means you'll be able to get all the good cards without much effort. And you won't wanna strangle your kinda sister Ellone for beating you at cards. Again.

So why do you want these cards anyway? To stare at the pretty pictures? No. Because the cards can be turned into items. Awesome, useful items. A big thing in VIII is changing and combining items into different items using GF abilities. A lot of the items you can get from cards are rare - sometimes almost impossible to get without the card. And if you want to fight Ultima Weapon, you're gonna want the gilgmesh card. So just hand it over, Quistis!

So super fun despite the time it might take to manipulate the rules, great rewards - it's a great addition to the game, really. I curse it no more. Only two really awesome side quests could knock this minigame down to number 3.

2. "Gotta Catch 'Em All!" - The Monster Arena, X

Off in this little nook in the Calm Plains is this creepy guide who lives alone with his dragon. He likes to take monsters, breed them with other monsters, and create brand new monsters! Totally a legit operation.

You wanna make a what with a what now?!

So you visit this guy, and he'll sell you weapons so that you can "catch" monsters rather than kill them. You can catch a maximum of 10 of each monster in the game. And as you catch all the monsters of a certain species or all the fiends in a certain location, creepy guy gives you rewards. Oh, and you can also fight his creepy creations for prizes. He's not responsible for any of the injuries you most certainly will get.

I'm a bit obsessed with the monster arena. I just love it. I always collect 10 of every monster in the game, and I'm sad when it's over. You'll spend a lot of time gathering monsters, especially if you're determined to get 10 of every kind - hey! Just think of yourself as a fucked up Noah! The rewards you get are great - not only for your sphere grid but there's some rare stuff in there as well.

It's worth it to fight his freaks of nature as well - but be warned. Those things get really difficult to defeat. My team was jacked, and I still kept getting creamed by this one monster. I don't know how they don't murder him in his sleep. But again, for the sweet prizes, you'll keep licking your wounds and coming back.

There's only one side quest that can knock my beloved monster arena to number two.

1. "Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!" - Chocobo Hot and Cold - IX

I love IX. Really. I do. But not as much as I love this side quest.

That's the sound of him pooping himself.

Wandering into a forest at the beginning of the game, you find an enterprising moogle exploiting a poor, lost chocobo. If you give the moogle some gil, he'll let you ride his pal and search for treasure for like a minute. Yeah, this moogle is some friend. But it's good for you, because this chocobo will lead you to some great stuff. As you run around to the catchy tune, you press a button to search the area for treasure. Choco's response goes from Kweh. (There's nothing here, you bloodsucking jerk.) to KWWEEH-EHHH! (Here's your god damn treasure! Now get the fuck off!) That's when you wanna dig for shiny pretty things. As you play, Choco's beak strength gets stronger and you can dig stuff up faster. You also start finding "Chocographs" which lead you to even better treasure you can find outside the forest and around the world map. After the forest there's also a lagoon and air garden to explore. And Choco gains powers so he can climb mountains, cross oceans and eventually fly. By the time you're at the end of the game, the moogle's rolling in money, Zidane's draped in treasure, and the chocobo is seeing a chiropractor.

Chocobo hot and cold is just so much fun. It's addicting. And the song is really cute and catchy. Treasures aside (and the rewards are great - definitely worth the time) I would probably play this even if I was just fattening the moogle's wallet. And even though it costs a little to play, you'll save a lot of money by not having to buy all the potions and other items you're digging up at a shop. You also get points for each item you dig up, and for meeting certain other conditions. You can then trade those points for even MORE items. In the end, as far as your gil goes, it's a bargain. So you're happy and the moogle's happy. But not the chocobo. He's still not happy.

Up next...saving the worst for last.