Monday, November 23, 2009

Tis the Season To Gobble

I love Thanksgiving. The food, the parade, and yes, how it marks the beginning of the Christmas Season. (And yes, how the next day is Black Friday. Amazon's already started their Black Friday deals.) But it annoys me how the stores go straight from Halloween to Christmas like Thanksgiving doesn't even exist. Of course they do that because people don't exchange gifts for Thanksgiving. They don't buy costumes. They buy food - a lot of food, yeah. But that only benefits the grocery stores. People don't really decorate too much. (Even me, I have minimal decorations, despite how I love the holiday - how many smiling turkeys do you want to look at while you're eating one?) Most people don't send cards. It's not much of a commercial holiday. It's a family holiday. And the stores don't like that so much. So they go right to the motherload - Christmas.

But Thanksgiving deserves it's due, dammit. It's really the only major holiday everyone in the United States celebrates. You get tons of yummy food. And the parade is awesome! I just love the Macy's parade. I watch the whole thing every year. I think the balloons are going downhill a little...the parade is getting a little too commercialized (especially with NBC plugging their shows the whole first part...) but I still won't miss it. I enjoy the performances from the various Broadway shows, as well as the marching bands and the familiar floats. (I particularly like the Sesame Street and Turkey floats) And you can't forget Santa, of course!

After the parade, it's time for the dog show, followed by the classic Miracle on 34th Street. Will I actually be able to eat any desert this year? Probably not.

But this year will be a little bittersweet, since we lost my grandfather in June, and his presence will certainly be greatly missed.

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