Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Review ~ Up

I always enjoy Pixar movies. Some more than others, but I've enjoyed them all. Still, when I first heard about Up and saw the trailer, I wasn't too excited about it. An old man floats his house using a bunch of balloons? Seriously? It seemed rather far out to me - and it is. But by the time you're done watching, you won't care.

Up is the story of Carl Fredrickson, a retired balloon salesman who lives in what was once a beautiful residential area, but is now a construction zone. Carl dreamed of being an explorer as a child, and rather than be dragged off to a nursing home, he attaches his house to a bunch of balloons and takes off to finally follow his lifelong dream. Only he discovers Wilderness Explorer (think Boy Scout) Russell has accidentally stowed away. And then there's this bird named Kevin. And a taking Dug named dog. And it's an hour and a half of laughs, tears and entertainment that will have to riveted from beginning to end. 

It's hard to talk about the movie without giving much away, but it really is a touching story and it kind of tells an important lesson. Carl may seem like a cranky old man a lot of the time, but you'll find yourself rooting for him all the way. Kevin the bird never says a word but will have you laughing anyway. And Dug is quite possibly the cutest and most darling Pixar character ever. You can't help but love him. Even if he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

The voice acting and animation in this film are both top notch, of course, but the important thing is this movie is not all pretty pictures and clever one liners. Pixar knows how to tell a gripping and emotional story, and they've proved it again here - big time. In fact, I'll be bold enough to say that this might be the best story they've told thus far. (And that is some high praise coming from me - especially on the heels of last year's WALL-E.)

So if you haven't seen this movie yet, you're doing yourself a disservice. You will enjoy this movie, I promise. If you don't, I'm sorry, but you  have no soul.