Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Top 10 Memorable Lines in Final Fantasy Games

(This, believe it or not, was rejected from Gamefaqs for being "too narrow". Oh well. We can enjoy it here, since it took me hours to put together!)

In a series like Final Fantasy, where every game is an epic quest, there are many things said that stand out. These are just some of the memorable lines that may have made you smile, stop and think, or even shed a tear.

10: "...That is my story." - Auron Final Fantasy X (PS2)
The full line: "Legendary guardian? I was just a boy. A boy about your age, actually. I wanted to change the world, too. But I changed nothing. That is my story."
The phrase "my story" was certainly used frequently in this game. When the party finally gets to their destination, Auron reveals that he wavered the first time he came to Zanarkand. This causes Wakka to comment that even legendary guardians choke sometimes. Auron's response is this line. Sometimes it's hard to remember that this tough and experienced warrior was young and naive once too.

9: "........Whatever." - Squall Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
"Whatever" is the full line in this case. Squall uses this word so frequently in the game it's basically his catchphrase. It's certainly the word most associated with Squall. It's his universal answer to everything, even if he might not always say it aloud.

8: "...I just can't handle the pressure..." - Irvine Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
The full line: "I...I can't...I'm sorry, I can't do it. I always choke like this... I try to act all cool, joke around, but I just can't handle the pressure..."
Irvine is the sharpshooter from Galbadia Garden who joined your team for the purpose of assassinating sorceress Edea. Once everything for the plan is finally in place, it's time for Irvine to take up his gun and do his job. But he's only sitting there, shaking. Squall yells at him, but all Irvine can do is speak this line. The once seemingly confident lone wolf shows his true colors.

7: "...I've lost all sense of purpose..." - Locke Final Fantasy VI (PS)
The full line: "I wasn't able to save Rachel... I've lost all sense of purpose... My life will have no meaning until I can right this terrible wrong..."
Rachel was Locke's love, and she lost her memory while trying to save him from a collapsing bridge. Later she was badly hurt in an Imperial attack. Locke feels responsible for this, and goes on a quest for the Phoenix esper, which he hopes will save her. He speaks this line in the Phoenix cave, when you find him again in the World of Ruin. It really makes you feel for Locke.

6: "...I'll control the world with fear..." - Rufus Final Fantasy VII (PS)
The full line: "That's right. I'll let you hear my new appointment speech. …Old man tried to control the world with money. It seems to have been working. The population thought that Shinra would protect them. Work at Shinra, get your pay. If a terrorist attacks, the Shinra army will help you. It looks perfect on the outside. But, I do things differently. I'll control the world with fear. It takes too much to do it like my old man. A little fear will control the minds of the common people. There's no reason to waste money on them."
After his father is killed, Rufus is quick to arrive at Shinra headquarters. He meets up with Cloud and his party on the roof of the building. Rufus doesn't waste time before he details exactly how he plans to control the world. Chilling.

5: "...I am becoming one with the Planet." - Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII (PS)
The full line: "A lost treasure house of knowledge. The wisdom of the Ancients... I am becoming one with the Planet."
This dialouge is classic because becoming one with the planet is the main line associated with Sephiroth. In the temple of the Ancients, Cloud and Aeris see a flashback of a recent encounter Tseng had with Sephiroth. Tseng tries to question Sephiroth about the temple, and this is his answer. His insane plot is finally about to be revealed.

4: "...I'll be your knight." - Squall Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
The full line: (Rinoa...... Even if you end up as the world's enemy, I'll... I'll be your knight.)
This line is thought rather than spoken, but for a man of few words like Squall, that's to be expected. While in space Squall discovers that Rinoa has taken on the powers of the sorceress. When they land, she's taken away to have her powers sealed for the safety of the world. But Squall comes to her rescue. Alone again, they talk in a meadow by Edea's house. Rinoa worries what will happen if she gets posessed again. Squall doesn't respond verbally, but we get to see what's really in his heart.

3: "...What irony..." - Freya Final Fantasy IX (PS)
The full line: "Ahahaha...What irony. To find the man about whom I have dreamt endlessly......only to discover that he cannot even remember who I am!"
Freya's love, Sir Fratley, went out on a journey around the world but never returned. So she went out to search for him. To her great joy she does find him alive, only his memory is completely gone and he doesn't remember her at all. Vivi asks Freya if she is crying, and this is her response. You can really feel her pain.

2: "...You know what they say about the leading man?" - Balthier Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
The full line: "Princess! No need to worry. I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies."
At the end of the game, Balthier is aboard Bahamut trying to keep it from falling and crushing the city of Rabanastre. His odds of survival don't look very good. Ashe asks him if he understands what he's doing. This is his response. Balthier refers to himself as the leading man several times throughout the game, but you can't help but smile at this one.

1: "...But...not like this..." - Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII (PS)
The full line: "....I've always felt since I was small...That I was different from the others. Special, in some way. But... not like this...."
This line comes during the infamous flashback, where Cloud is telling the group what happened in Nibelheim when Sephiroth disappeared. Sephiroth is in the reactor, investigating the mako mutated creatures stored there, when he starts to come to the realization that maybe he too was created this way. Maybe he is one of these monsters. This line really shows the human side of Sephiroth, before he is driven mad. It's the last line Cloud recollects before finding Sephiroth in the Shinra mansion basement.

The Final Fantasy series is full of memorable lines, and this is just a few of them. I'm sure that future installments in the series will have memorable lines of their own. And it doesn't matter if the dialouge is spoken or displayed in a text box. Every Final Fantasy game draws you into the story and gives you characters you care about, whether you hate them or love them.

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