Thursday, October 18, 2007

News And Stuff ~ Week of Oct. 15th

  • First a bit of comedy. I went back to the grind of Animal Crossing: Wild World. In discussing the game with my sister, this conversation ensued:

Her: remember i told dad one of the animals was creepily
hanging outside my door with a shovel, and he thought i was
in legitimate danger?

Me: LMAO, that is the funniest thing ever. Omg! Your
Animal Crossing character is going to be murdered! What are Booker and that
other cop guy gonna do! This has never happened before! Next thing you know, Tom Nook will be robbed at gunpoint!

  • And Sony is stupid. They announce a cheaper PS3 with a smaller hard drive. Nothing wrong with that. Here's the problem. It won't be able to play PS2 games. Yeah. Why? Because, and I quote, "Sony said this was due to a more extensive lineup of games of the PlayStation 3." Wow...have they seen their own game line-up? Now I am a fan of Sony, and I have many, many games I greatly enjoyed for PS2 and PS3. But so far for PS3? Not a thing. You've got a whole huge catalog of great PS2 games that you're just going to ignore now? I'm paying $400 for a system that has pretty much no backwards compatibility. Why do you want to fail more, Sony? Just wondering. Because I really don't think this is a good move.
  • Looks like Mario Party is coming to the DS. The game, where four people can play using only one cartridge, ships next month. Now I can beat everybody on the go!

And that's all the news I care about.

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