Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Trip Report ~ Preview

Well, we're leaving California today, so the trip isn't quite over yet. (You bet your ass I'm hanging onto every last second of it!) But we're nearly there.

It's been an amazing trip. I've loved every second of it. California is beautiful (and warm!) and there's so much to see and do here. We're already talking about coming back because there was so much we didn't get to experience!

But there's tons of stuff we did get to do, and I've got tons of pics and videos to prove it!

But for now, here's a bit of a preview. Our trip by the numbers:

Airplanes taken: 3
Taxis Ridden in: 5
Egg McMuffins Consumed: 3
Fast Food Joints Visited: 8
Kids Meals Eaten: 3
Different Tour Buses Ridden On: 5
Movies Seen: 4
Good Movies Seen: 3
Movies Seen Starring Robert Downey Jr: 2
Malls Visited: 5
Theme Parks Visited: 4
Rides on the Indiana Jones Ride at Disneyland: 5
Dole Whips Consumed: 1
Airports Visited: 5
Public Transportation Taken: 5
Hotels Stayed In: 4
Steps Taken: Yeah, thousands probably
Money Spent: I don't even wanna know...

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