Thursday, November 1, 2007

News and Stuff ~ Week of October 26th

Yeah, so I skipped a week. And yeah, I'm kinda late. But most video game news doesn't really interest me. Why? Because most games nowadays are stupid. Why back in my day...haha, just kidding. But seriously most games are stupid FPS or other stupid interchangeable shooting type games. But I digress.
  • First and foremost I need to complain. About what this time? About the character battle currently going on at the Gamefaqs website. They do this same nonsense every year, and every year either Link, Sephiroth or Cloud ends up the winner, depending on which characters they decide to let in it this year. Well, this year they're all in it. So la de freakin' da, I could have proclaimed Link the winner before this whole thing even began. It's really getting boring now. Once a character wins they should be retired for a long time. Like 5 years or something. At least. But surprisingly, that's not my real complaint. My real complaint is L Block. L Block, you may be wondering (and justifiably so), who the hell is L Block? Well, my friends, L Block is not a who, but a what. L Block is not a person. L Block doesn't talk. In fact, L Block never even appeared in a game where there were talking characters of any kind. L BLOCK IS A FUCKING PIECE FROM THE GAME TETRIS! Yeah! And as my sister pointed out, it's not even the best piece. (That would be the straight line, of course. They never give you one of those when you need it.) So while Gamefaqs may be up on it's high horse about having strict guidelines for it's content, they certainly don't abide by their own guidelines for their own contest. Because last time I checked, L Block is just that. A fucking block. And it's not a magical enchanged block that was once a sorcerer or something. It's just a block, like one of those bricks Mario smashes with his head. And last time I checked, blocks don't count as characters. So why is it in the contest? And worse, WHY ARE PEOPLE VOTING FOR THE BLOCK? Haha, let's vote for the inanimate object! WTF? If it's a character battle, keep it that way by only allowing CHARACTERS to be included. None of this block bullshit. Because if that's the case I'd like to see the ? blocks from the Mario games included. At least there's a little surprise with that box. Never know what might come out!

  • Okay, that was long. Anyway, speaking of long, looks like the new Metal Gear Game has been pushed back to Q2 of 2008! Yikes! That news even caused Konami's stock to take its largest drop in 4 years! Guess everyone really wanted to get their hands on Solid Snake as soon as possible. ...That sounded wrong.

  • The rumor is that Gamestop will no longer be selling PRPs (that's product replacement plans) on the Xbox 360 systems! Why? Um, maybe because way too many people are seeing the Red Ring of Death on their systems and a lot of people are losing a lot of money because of it. So far Microsoft has spent over a BILLION dollars repairing the dysfunctional systems. Maybe they should have spent more time on the system instead of rushing it out the door.

  • And finally The Simpons Game is out in stores. Gamespot gave it s 7.0 in their review. I played the demo and while I thought the game was very clever and visually fantastic, the demo was hard! Mostly because the controls weren't the greatest. In fact I wound up giving up on it. So while I'd like to play the game, I think it's definitely something I'd rent just to enjoy the humor of the game. Definitely not worth buying.