Thursday, November 5, 2009


Oh, World Series win. I missed you so much. I will never take you for granted again.

We did it! Game over, Season over, World Series over - the YANKEES WIN!!!!

I was seriously so excited last night. I had a feeling they would win last night, and I'm happy to say I was right. It was basically the Matsui show (with a teeny bit of help from my man Tex) and he rightfully won the MVP award.

When it came down to those final outs... Man, I was nervous. Not because I really thought they would blow a 4 run lead and lose (THOUGH NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IN BASEBALL AND YOU MUST NEVER FORGET THAT) but because I wanted it to be over! I wanted to watch the celebration! I wanted it to be real! And that one guy just kept fouling off pitch after pitch after pitch. God! I kind of wanted Rollins to be the last out - just 'cause he ran his mouth so much - but it was not to be. And as there were 2 strikes on that last Phillies player to come to bat... I wasn't sure if I wanted a strike out, or the ball to be put in play. I usually like the ball to be put in play - then you get to see everybody running in all excited - but at that point I just wanted an out to happen! Well, I got my wish and a grounder was hit to Cano. Tex caught it, and IT WAS OVER! 

I have a lot of baseball memories. The Yankees have been a big part of my life. I'll have to get into some of those memories another time. But a new memory was made last night. After years of shrugging my shoulders and knowing there would be no World Series championship this year - even dissing this years team early on - oh, the things that come out of my mouth when they're not playing well...even in postseason games... Anyway, to be in that moment...watching them win again. You know, you try and remind yourself it's just a sport. You're not playing. What does that win really mean to you? But I guess when you support a team for so long, when you're bound together with your family and it's ingrained into you from when you were becomes an emotional thing. It's more than just entertainment. It's part of you. I don't know if I explained that right. If you get sports I think you just get it. And if you don' just don't.

But last night was another memory. I screamed as that easy grounder headed towards Cano. And when Tex caught it, the jumping up and down started. As I watched them celebrate on the field, I have to admit I cried. A little. For two reasons. First, they won the first year in the old stadium - way back in 1923. To have them win the first year in this new stadium...that cemented it. It's been broken in. The ghosts are there. They may have moved across the street, but it's still business as usual in the Bronx. grandpa passed away in June. He was a huge Yankees fan. We actually buried him with his hat. And to have them win last night... Well, I know he was up there watching, but I wish he was still around to talk about it. Still, I kind of felt in my heart like that win was for him.

And I totally regret never seeing this team play. Blah.

Oh well.


Well, championship #27 is ours! Also, I'm 27. Pretty neat! Maybe they'll win 28 next year when I'm 28! I can dream, right?

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